About lucy & monty design
lucy & monty design works with small business owners to increase sales via a small business website.
My name is Simone and I own and operate lucy & monty design in the Inner West of Sydney.
I am a graphic designer and web designer with over twenty years’ experience in print services, promotional marketing, graphic design, web design and photography. During this time, I have worked with a large number of small business owners and large corporate clients in Sydney and the Hunter Valley.
Most of my business is through word of mouth in Sydney and the Hunter Valley.
I offer a more personal and more complete service to small business than my larger competitors. I have the same industry experience, knowledge and tools but I don’t have the high overheads.
Let’s talk about you!
- Are you a small business owner?
- Short on time?
- You need a small business website?
- You want a website that works on computers, tablets and mobile phones?
- You want to include social media links on your site?
- You want to start a blog on your website?
- You have a small business website but it is not generating leads for your business?
- Want something affordable but not cheap?
- Want someone who can design your logo and build your brand through graphic design?
- Want to talk to someone who can help you without baffling you with jargon or tech speak?
- Want to talk to the same person each time?
- Not sure where to start?
If you answered yes to any of these questions – I can help you!
At lucy & monty design, my aim is to make the whole process simple and enjoyable.
You can get back to running your business and leave the details of increasing your sales to me. One on one professional service, attention to detail and great turnarounds are the foundations of lucy & monty design. My aim is always to deliver a high quality product that increases your sales, within budget and on time.
Follow lucy & monty design on Facebook or find some inspiration on Pinterest.
Do you want to know more about the services I offer? More information can be found here.
Why not view some of my work here.
Call me on 0490 140 079 or send me an email and let’s get started!